Background Choices

A few words about background choices: Below are some examples of the backgrounds available for selection. You are requested to select a first and second choice. This is because although we try to provide you with your first choice, it is not always possible because the photographers are often out of the office for a week at a time and can carry only so many backgrounds and in some cases another photographer may have the requested background as there are usually only one of each. If we can not provide you with the background you select we will use our default background of Medium Blue Muslin. The photographers usually have more that one background with them should the available background not be available. Only one background can be used for each school. We hope you understand this situation.

Click on a background to see it in a larger size.

School 91
Blue Grey Muslin

Medium Blue Muslin
(Default Background)

School 93
Blue/Violet/Grey Muslin

School 92-Light Blue with Pink
(limited use-fragile background)

Canvas Russian Green

Primary Color Blends

School 97 Rainbow Canvas

Red/Brown Granite Muslin

Sky Blue Seamless Paper Background

Light Mauve Canvas

Blue Jay Seamless Paper Background

Sage Seamless Background

Splattered Paint


Light Grey Squared